PDF version is available upon request via a@b where a = {yuhao dot sun} and b = {ed dot ac dot uk}. Last updated in January 2025.
PhD, Human-Computer Interaction in Healthcare
University of Edinburgh, 2021-2024/5 (ongoing)
MRes, Medical Robotics and Image-Guided Intervention, Distinction
Imperial College London, 2020-2021
BSc (Hons), Computer Science
University of Liverpool, 2016-2020
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, 2016-2020
Throughout my PhD, I strategically pursued a range of grants, including several renowned for their stringent selection criteria – it demanded a sophisticated alignment of my research vision with broader academic and societal priorities while navigating intricate funding landscapes.
- The Henry Lester Trust Grant
- Edinburgh Futures Institute Research Dissemination Fund
- The Genetics Society Conference Grant
- Birrell-Gray Travelling Scholarship
- The Genetics Society Public Engagement Grant
- Population Genetics Group 57 Conference Bursary
- The Genetics Society Communicating Your Science Workshop Grant
- The Genetics Society Conference Grant
2021 and before
- University of Edinburgh & China Scholarship Council PhD Scholarship
- Hong Kong Polytechnic University Presidential PhD Fellowship (awarded / not claim)
- Hamlyn Centre MRes Studentship
- University of Liverpool International Summer School Scholarship
- PhD Student of the Year Award, University of Edinburgh (shortlisted)
- Redwood Academy PhD Open Class Competition Second Runner-up
- University Academic Achievement Award (10%) x 2
- University Outstanding Student (3%) x 4
Professional Activities
- Student Volunteer, Information+ Conference 2023
- Staff-Student Liaison Committee, University of Edinburgh
- PhD Student Organising Committee, Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance Conference 2022
- Student Volunteer, ACM Intelligent User Interfaces Conference 2022
- Imperial Alumni Student Recruitment Ambassador, Imperial College London
- Youth Committee, International Chinese Association of Computer Human Interaction
- Student Representative (cohort), Imperial College London
- Students with Disabilities ‘Welfare Officer’, Imperial College London
- DIS 2025
- CHI 2025 – Special Recognitions
- CSCW 2024, 2025
- Association for Computing Machinery / ACM, 2024-
- Special Interest Group on Computer–Human Interaction / SIGCHI, 2024-
- The Genetics Society of America, 2023-
- The British Computer Society, 2022-
- The Adelphi Genetics Forum, 2022-
- The Genetics Society, 2022-
- International Association of Engineers, 2021-
Computer Languages
MATLAB, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, OpenGL, Java, Python, R, C+, LaTeX, MySQL, C#, Arduino, Prolog, Assembly
Technical Tools
Unity, Visual Paradigm, Axure, Visual Basic, COMSOL Multiphysics, Adobe (XD, Dreamweaver, Photoshop), Microsoft Office (Access, Word, PowerPoint, Excel)
Mandarin Chinese (native), English (advanced), Cantonese Chinese (intermediate), Spanish (elementary)