Hi 你好 👋🏻


I’m Yuhao Sun, currently a PhD Candidate at the Roslin Institute and the Institute for Design Informatics, at the University of Edinburgh. I have an interdisciplinary background, with two main topics which are computer science and medicine. My main research interests are biomedical informatics and human-computer interaction in healthcare. My studies at Edinburgh are fully funded by the China Scholarships Council & the University of Edinburgh PhD Scholarship. I’m supervised by Prof Albert Tenesa and Prof John Vines jointly.

Previously I graduated with MRes (Distinction) Medical Robotics and Image-Guided Intervention, at the Hamlyn Centre for Robotic Surgery (at the Department of Surgery & Cancer), Imperial College London, in November 2021. I focused on the MRes project entitled Microrobots for Precision Medicine, which was supervised by Dr Meysam Keshavarz, Dr Jang Ah Kim, and Dr Alex Thompson.

I received BSc (Honours) Information and Computing Science degrees from the University of Liverpool (Liverpool, UK) and Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (Suzhou, China) in 2020 summer. My dissertation, Predict the Impact of Visual Distortion on Medical Images, which was led by Dr Gabriela Mogos, received 75/100 (First Class).

I am a Teaching Assistant at the University of Edinburgh. I have some industrial experience, including acting as a product manager at Ping An Tech during the 2020 summer. I am also interested in consulting roles.


[11/2023] Awared a public engagement grant by the Genetics Society
[11/2023] Starting my third year of PhD studies
[5/2022] Graduated officially from Imperial College at Royal Albert Hall!
[3/2022] Conducted my first Thesis Committee meeting!
[2/2022] Paper “Impact of Visual Distortion on Medical Images” has been accepted and indexed on IAENG International Journal of Computer Science
[1/2022] Paper “Computer-Aided Atrial Fibrillation Diagnosis System with The Naive Bayesian Network: Based on The Analysis of 2016 Actual Cases of Electrocardiography Signals” has been accepted and indexed
[11/2021] Started my PhD journey!
[10/2021] Graduated from Imperial College with Distinction
[07/2021] Awarded University of Edinburgh/CSC PhD Scholarship (~£126k)
[07/2021] Awarded PolyU Presidential PhD Fellowship (~£112k)
[06/2021] Completed HSMR Poster & MRes Presentation
[05/2021] Paper “Data Analysis of Medical Images” has been indexed by International Journal of Design, Analysis and Tools for Integrated Circuits and Systems


PhD in Healthcare through Human-Computer Interaction
University of Edinburgh, 2021-2024

MRes (Distinction) in Medical Robotics and Image-Guided Intervention
Imperial College London, 2020-2021

BSc (Honours) in Information and Computing Science
University of Liverpool & XJTLU, 2016-2020

Selected Publications

Sun, Y., Mogos, G. (2022). Impact of Visual Distortion on Medical Images. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 49(1), 36-45. ★ New Journal Article [Access]

Sun, Y., Zhao, Y., & Sun, J. (2022, January). Computer-Aided Atrial Fibrillation Diagnosis System with The Naive Bayesian Network: Based on The Analysis of 2016 Actual Cases of Electrocardiography Signals. In 2022 2nd IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics and Computer Engineering (ICCECE) (pp. 945-950). IEEE. [Access]

Sun, Y., Zhao, Y., & Sun, J. (2020, December). Subjective Image Quality Assessment: A Pre-Assessment on Visual Distortion of Medical Images by Clinicians and Radiologists. In 2020 7th International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE) (pp. 1367-1370). IEEE. [Access]

Sun, Y., Mogos, G. (2020). Data Analysis of Medical Images. International Journal of Design, Analysis and Tools for Integrated Circuits and Systems9(1), 37-40. ★ Best Student Paper Award [Access]

Gao, W., Sun, Y., Fu, Q., Wu, Z., Ma, X., Zheng, K., & Huang, X. (2018, October). ARP poisoning prevention in Internet of Things. In 2018 9th International Conference on Information Technology in Medicine and Education (ITME) (pp. 733-736). IEEE. [Access]


I am currently in Edinburgh, Scotland. Send me an email to info at yuhaosun dot com and I will reply to you as soon as possible. I am happy to meet face-to-face as well.

More information please see my latest curriculum vitae – July 2024